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Replacing Nuts and Bolts With Creativity and Feathers

Technology is taking over the world. Not a particularly shocking statement, but according to the tech giants and gurus who took to the…
Helaas hebben we niet meer de rechten op de originele afbeelding
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Helaas hebben we niet meer de rechten op de originele afbeelding
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Google Chief Business Officer Nikesh Arora is convinced: technology is entering a new phase of innovation. We’ve had technology crafted and tailored to our every need, and with this in mind, what we assumed impossible will soon be possible. Self-driving cars, 3D printing and an app for every single aspect of your life - you get the picture. 

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However, sometimes it seems that the advance of technology leads to a diminished human connection.  Never fear, creativity can save the day according to SuperHeroes Founder and Creative Director Rogier Vijverberg who has worked with some of the most innovative brands in the world to create campaigns that people want to engage with. 

Together with Berlin-based creative duo Ben and Julia, during today&;s Cannes Lions seminar ‘How to Make Innovation Feel Fluffy’, the passionate tech ambassador will argue the case for creativity helping technology to move past just being about the latest box of tricks and rekindle its human soul, replacing bits and bytes and nuts and bolts with creativity and feathers.

But is this something we can really expect from the self-proclaimed tech geeks? Or is it an ongoing, meaningful collaboration with artists and the creative industries that will humanise innovation? Find out more at tomorrow&;s seminar 3pm, Audi A. Tweet Rogier your thoughts at .



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