VNU-topman Rob van den Bergh stapt op

Het hing al een tijdje in de lucht, maar vandaag maakte VNU bekend dat de overname van IMS Health niet doorgaat en dat ceo Rob van den Bergh opstapt.

Helaas hebben we niet meer de rechten op de originele afbeelding

De teleurgestelde Van den Begh :

'I have decided, in consultation with our Supervisory Board, to step down as chief executive officer. I have worked at this company with great pleasure and satisfaction for more than 25 years, and that is why this decision is very difficult for me.

'But it is the appropriate decision. I am especially proud of the transformation of this company over the past decade from an advertising-driven publishing house to a global information and media company. Although there are challenges ahead, I believe the future is very bright for VNU, as de-mand for its specialized information and insights continues to grow.'

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