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Nederland 25 keer genomineerd voor eurobest... en 27 keer voor Epica Awards

Uitschieters: The Dark Side Of Money van ABN Amro/N=5 (4x op de shortlist van eurobest) en Coca-Cola 'Open' van 72andSunny (4x bij Epica).
Still uit Coca-Cola - Open Like Never Before van 72andSunny Amsterdam
Still uit Coca-Cola - Open Like Never Before van 72andSunny Amsterdam
Still uit Coca-Cola - Open Like Never Before van 72andSunny Amsterdam
Still uit Coca-Cola - Open Like Never Before van 72andSunny Amsterdam

Dit zijn de 27 genomineerden voor de Epica Awards, de enige internationale prijs die door de vakpers (waaronder Adformatie) worden uitgereikt - in totaal staan er 459 campagnes op de shortlist:

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- (4x) 72andSunny Amsterdam with "Coca-Cola - Open Like Never Before" for The Coca-Cola Company in Non-Alcoholic Drinks, Copywriting & Storytelling, Direction & Cinematography and Best Use of Music
- (2x) 72andSunny Amsterdam with "HackYourFuture - Behind the Source" for HackYourFuture in Public Interest - Social and Websites
- Ambassadors with "Times are Changing" for Unox, Unilever in Animation
- (2x) BrandBase with "ABN AMRO MeesPierson 300 years anniversary" for ABN AMRO in Financial Services and Promotions & Incentives
- (2x) HALAL with "Shot at Home - Discover New Possibilites" for Optimist in Automotive (2x parts) and Direction & Cinematography (3x parts)
- (2x) Joe Public Take-Away Advertising with "Teddy bear fans" for MSD & KiKa in Public Interest - Health & Safety and Covid-19 Communications
- (3x) MediaMonks with "Printed by Parkinson’s" for Charité Berlin in Public Interest - Health & Safety, Creative Use of Data and Product Design
- (2x) MediaMonks with "Living Jiagu" for Google Arts & Culture in Creative Technology and Events
- MediaMonks with "Lighter Than Air" for HP in Personal Electronics & Devices
- MediaMonks with "SpaceBuzz: VR Education Programme for Kids to create Ambassadors of planet Earth" for SpaceBuzz (Overview Effect Foundation) in Creative Technology
- MediaMonks with "Kiddi World" for Y&R Agency in Creative Use of Data
- MediaMonks with "The Batman Experience" for The Collective, part of the Integer Group in Events
- (2x) Ogilvy Social.Lab Amsterdam with "Lifesaver" for Volvo Cars Nederland in Automotive and Creative Technology
- (2x) Ogilvy Social.Lab Amsterdam with "Give a Heart for a Heart Safer City" for Philips in Public Interest - Health & Safety and Creative Technology
- Persuade with "Lucht (Air)" for Zeeman in Retail Services
De Grand Prix en gouden winnaars worden 's avonds op 17 december via een online ceremonie, onder leiding van editorial director Mark Tungate, bekendgemaakt. Op 18 december zullen de winnaars van zilver en brons via de site van Epica worden gecommuniceerd.

En dit zijn de 25 Nederlandse nominaties (van de in totaal 377) voor eurobest, het Europese zusje van Cannes Lions:

Brand Experience & Activation
(2x) D04 Digital Installations + D05 New Realities & Voice Activation
- Spacebuzz: VR Experiential Education Programme For Children Creating Earth’s Ambassadors. MediaMonks Hilversum
G06 Breakthrough on a Budget
- Volvo Lifesaver. Volvo Car Nederland / Public Awareness – Car / AED. Ogilvy | Social.Lab Amsterdam
G07 Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility
- The Dark Side Of Money. ABN Amro / Recruitment. N=5 Amsterdam
Creative strategy
B05 Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility
- The Dark Side Of Money. ABN Amro / Recruitment. N=5 Amsterdam
D02 Interactive Video
- The Dark Side Of Money. ABN Amro / Recruitment. N=5 Amsterdam
Digital craft
A01 UI
- Dark: Interactive Netflix Guide. MediaMonks Hilversum
B02 Native & Built-in Feature Integration 
- Hackyourfuture / Non-Profit Coding School For Refugees – Behind The Source. 72andSunny Amsterdam
A06 Consumer Services / Business to Business
- The Dark Side Of Money. ABN Amro / Recruitment. N=5 Amsterdam
A01 Fast Moving Consumer Goods
- Connections. Heineken / Publicis Italy Milan. Smuggler London / Sizzer Amsterdam 
- Coca-Cola – Open Like Never Before. 72andSunny Amsterdam
B01 Fast Moving Consumer Goods
- Fanta - In The Name Of Play. 72andSunny Amsterdam
- Connections. Heineken / Publicis Italy Milan. Smuggler London / Sizzer Amsterdam 
B03 Durable Consumer Goods including Automotive
- Francesca. Diesel / Publicis Italy Milan. Division Paris / Sizzer Amsterdam (zie hieronder)
Film craft
A01 Direction
- Kodiaq Škoda / Škoda Suv-Models Kodiaq, Karoq, Kamiq. Halal Amsterdam
- Karoq Škoda / Škoda Suv-Models Kodiaq, Karoq, Kamiq. Halal Amsterdam
- Coca-Cola – Open Like Never Before. 72andSunny Amsterdam
A02 Script
- Coca-Cola – Open Like Never Before. 72andSunny Amsterdam
A03 Casting
- Francesca. Diesel / Publicis Italy Milan. Division Paris / Sizzer Amsterdam
A07 Use of Licensed / Adapted Music
- Helden. Nike Germany. Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam 
- Francesca. Diesel / Publicis Italy Milan. Division Paris / Sizzer Amsterdam
A03 OTC Products / Devices
- Philips AED. Creative Data. Ogilvy | Social.Lab Amsterdam
A05 Health & Wellness Tech
- Volvo Lifesaver. Volvo Car Nederland / Public Awareness – Car / AED. Ogilvy | Social.Lab Amsterdam
B01 Brand-led Education & Awareness
- Philips AED. Creative Data. Ogilvy | Social.Lab Amsterdam
B02 Non-profit / Foundation-led Education & Awareness
- Crying Statue. Aidsfonds. Outdoor: Ambient. N=5 Amsterdam

De winnaars van goud, zilver en brons worden op 7 december op de eurobest-site bekendgemaakt en de Grand Prix en special award winners (netwerk van het jaar, bureau van het jaar et cetera) op 10 december om 11 uur 'by the Jury Presidents on the Eurobest Unwrapped webpage'.

Disclaimer: in bovenstaande overzichten staan alle specifiek namens Nederland ingezonden campagnes, wat betekent dat de campagne 'Printed by Parkinson’s' wel in het Epica Awards-overzicht staat omdat het door MediaMonks is ingezonden, maar niet in het eurobest-overzicht omdat het in dat geval door het Duitse bureau Innocean is ingezonden.



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