CitySavvy wint twee Corporate Engagement Awards met ING & Discerning Eye
De Grand Prix voor ‘Greatest Corporate Engagement’ ging naar RBS en The Prince’s Trust.
City Savvy won met ING & Discerning Eye zilver in de categorie ‘Best relationship-building sponsorship programme’ en brons in de categorie ‘Best arts-centred corporate sponsorship activity’.
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SpottaExterne communicatie- en mediaspecialist
Vereniging Eigen HuisHet vakblad Communicate magazine heeft de prijs in het leven geroepen om aandacht te geven aan corporate partnerships, sponsoring en filantropie. De jury bestond uit academici en experts op het gebied van sponsoring, CSR partnership en communicatie. Strategie, implementatie en resultaten vormden de criteria die door middel van een puntensysteem werden geëvalueerd.
Deelnemers moesten aantonen in hoeverre het programma de strategie naleeft en hoe effectief de implementatie was. Daarnaast werd gekeken naar de volledigheid waarmee de organisatie het succes en het return on investment gemeten had en hoe waardevol de samenwerking voor beide partijen was.
Best arts-centred corporate sponsorship activity
Gold - Lansons & High Tide
Silver - Young Vic & Markit
Silver - Aberdeen Asset Management & Jazz FM
Bronze - ING & Discerning Eye (CitySavvy)
Best charity-centred corporate sponsorship activity
Gold - RBS & The Prince’s Trust
Silver - Reckitt Benckiser & Save the Children
Bronze - Turner Broadcasting & Plan International
Best sports-centred corporate sponsorship activity
Gold - Amlin & Rugby Union (MEC)
Best corporate sponsorship to help raise brand awareness
Gold - Amlin & Rugby Union (MEC)
Silver - DMA & Equifax (Slingshot sponsorship)
Bronze - BT & London 2012 (HoWoCo)
Best corporate sponsorship for employee engagement
Gold - Young Vic & Markit
Silver - Lansons & Hightide
Best relationship-building sponsorship programme
Bronze - The Phoenix Partners & Canon
Best community involvement in sponsorship activity
Silver - ING & Discerning Eye (CitySavvy)
Best ongoing corporate sponsorship programme
Gold - RBS & The Prince’s Trust
Silver - Turner Broadcasting & Big Issue Foundation
Best single event corporate sponsorship exercise
Gold - BT & London 2012 (HoWoCo)
Best partnership between sponsoring company and sponsored organisation
Gold - RBS & The Prince’s Trust
Silver - Turner Broadcasting & Plan International
Best communication of a corporate sponsorship activity
Gold - Jaguar & England Cricket Team (Brand Rapport)
Silver - DMA & Equifax (Slingshot sponsorship)
Bronze - RBS & The Prince’s Trust
Best execution of a corporate sponsorship activity
Gold - DMA & Equifax (Slingshot sponsorship)
Silver - Telecity Group (Nelson Bostock)
Most effective long-term philanthropic scheme, foundation or programme
Gold - Reckitt Benckiser & Save the Children
Bronze - Telecity Group (Nelson Bostock)
Best pro bono work for charitable, social or ethical cause
Gold - The Passage & 85Four
Best collaborative approach
Grand Prix
RBS and The Prince’s Trust
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