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The End of the App [Mobile Marketing]

The last two years almost every self respected marketing manager wanted a iPhone App, despite of the fact that less than 3% of the Dutch…
Helaas hebben we niet meer de rechten op de originele afbeelding
© adformatie
Helaas hebben we niet meer de rechten op de originele afbeelding
© adformatie

Data Consumption
Nevertheless the iPhone has the largest data consumption of all mobile devices and the features of an App are much greater than a mobile site at this moment. The total data consumption from all mobile platforms is increasing rapidly. The costs for developing apps for all different mobile platforms will be too high for most of the marketing managers.

related partner content for mobile comes here

Stand out
When we look at the large numbers of apps in iPhones App Store (225.000) and Android Market (100.000) it’s very hard these days to stand out with your branded app.

Place of honor
Free-publicity for your branded app is not self-evident anymore. Besides that: For the clarity and usability many smartphone-users don’t want to fill up their phone screen with lots of apps which they don’t use on a daily basis. Only the frequently used apps will get a ‘place of honor’ on the homescreen of smartphones. This is in my opinion not much different as the desktop shortcuts/icon of our pc.
With the release of the compatible HTML5, most of the app-advantages (e.g. usability)in relation to a mobile site will decline in the future.

Coming years
The next coming years mobile developers will not be out of work. But I doubt that most of the mobile developments will be in 'app-form'.



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