Deze enorme adoptie van tablets biedt uiteraard enorme kansen voor marketeers. Volgens Forrester Analyst Thomas Husson stelt tablet marketing marketeers in staat om de consumenten te bereiken, die minder tijd besteden aan pc’s en gedrukte media. Mensen gebruiken tabletten anders dan smartphones en daarom dienen marketeers ook hun aanpak aanpassen.
Analyst Thomas Husson. "Today, most marketers group tablets into the mobile category, but this approach will fall short because consumers aren't using their tablets in the same way they use smartphones," writes Husson. "The context in which people use their tablets dictates a unique marketing approach." In contrast to their use of smartphones new Forrester data of more than 13,000 respondents shows people use tablets at home and other fixed locations. The living room and bedroom are the most common locations US tablet users access the Internet with their device, with 67% and 57% respectively listing these locations as their top connectivity spot. To browse and research. 68% of European online adults are browsing the web with their tablet, while 39% use it to research products. Other activities include checking email (64%), viewing pictures (51%), and watching video (39%). While multi-tasking in front of the TV. 32% of US online adults who own a laptop, a smartphone, and a tablet are multi-tasking more than half the time while watching TV vs. just 22% of average online adult consumers. And while the laptop is still the favored device when multi-tasking, people are more likely to use their tablets than smartphone to browse the web, research products, or watch other online video while also watching TV."
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