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'The Insiders Guide to Mobile' [Gratis eBook]

Tomi Ahonen, auteur van het bekende boeken als Communities Dominate Brands (samen met Allan Moore), Digital Korea, 3g Marketing, Mobile as…
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Tomi Ahonen, auteur van het bekende boeken als Communities Dominate Brands (samen met Allan Moore), Digital Korea, 3g Marketing, Mobile as the 7th of the Mass Media, Communities dominate brands, M-Profits en Services for UMTS heeft vandaag een nieuw boek uitgebracht The Insiders Guide to Mobile. Ahonen is expert en bekend spreker op het gebied van de mobiele industrie en communities.

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Het 494 bladzijdes tellende eBook: The Insiders Guide to Mobile is rijkelijk gevuld met mobile marketing cases en onderzoeken uit de mobiele industrie. Dit boek is namens Ahonen "My gift for you" en is daarom gratis in PDF te downloaden.


Chapter 1 - Introduction
Everything you ever wanted to know about mobile (but were afraid to ask)

Chapter 2 - Size of Mobile
Newest Trillion Dollar industry
Essay 1 - Telephone Houses

Chapter 3 - Consumers
And the input myth
Myth 1 - Input Myth
Case Study 1 from the UK - Fanta Mosquito Noises

Chapter 4 - 7th Mass Media
And the screen size myth
Myth 2 - Screen Size Myth
Case Study 2 from Japan - Tohato Snacks

Chapter 5 - 8 Unique Abilities of Mobile
And the myth of location-based services
Myth 3 - Location-based Services
Case Study 3 from USA - Blackberry Pocket Cop

Chapter 6 - Handsets
My phone is my best friend
Essay 2 - The Nokia Decade

Chapter 7 - Smartphones
Supercomputer in your pocket
Essay 3 - Golden Age of Photography

Chapter 8 - Mobile Messaging
And the myth of MMS being a failure
MYTH 4 - MMS being a failure
Case Study 4 from Finland - Finnair Mobile Check-in

Chapter 9 - Media Content on Mobile
Information and Entertainment
Case Study 5 from China - Puma Racing Adver-game

Chapter 10 - Mobile Social Networking
Empowering digital communities
Case Study 6 from UK - My Art Space

Chapter 11 - Mobile Money
Mobile will replace cash
Case 7 from the USA - Iron Man 2 m-Tickets

Chapter 12 - Beyond Reality
Augmented, Virtual and Improved Reality
Case 8 from Japan - Axe Wake-up Girl

Chapter 13 - Mobile Advertising
And myth that nobody wants ads on their phones
MYTH 5 - Nobody wants ads on phones
Case Study 9 from Japan - Girlswalker

Chapter 14 - Digital Footprint
Digital communities and Web 2.0
Case Study 10 from the UK - Tesco Shopping Assistant

Chapter 15 - Convergence and the Cannibal
And the smartphone apps myth
MYTH 6 - Smartphone Apps are good economic opportunity
Essay 4 - Before iPhone, After iPhone

Chapter 16 - Internet and Mobile
And the myth that WAP is crap
MYTH 7 - WAP is crap
Essay 5 - Mobile First

Chapter 17 - Economics of Mobile
Digital klondyke and the cyber eldorado
Essay 6 - The 5 Trillion Dollar Race

Chapter 18 - Digital Divide
The next 4 Billion mobile subscribers
Case Study 11 from India - Mobile Radio

Chapter 19 - Mobile Industry
And the saturation myth
MYChapter 20 - A Short History of Mobile
There was mobile before the iPhone
Essay 7 - 10 Things that Changed

Chapter 18 - Conclusion
You ain't seen nothing yet



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