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Kobalt zoekt een partner

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Het mediabureau is op zoek naar strategische alternatieven. Nu het geheel maar integraal:

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Kobalt explores strategic alternatives

Amstelveen, 17 April 2007 ? Kobalt, a leading Dutch media agency, is exploring strategic alternatives as a result of which it is looking for a partner. Given the changing market environment, Kobalt's shareholders (ABN AMRO, Ahold, Heineken, ING, Laurus, Masterfoods,
Maxeda and Rabobank) and management strongly believe a partnership would best position the company and its stakeholders for the future.

Kobalt is well positioned in the Dutch media market. The company offers a full range of media services to its customers including media buying, clearing and advice. Furthermore, it is a leading print management and direct (non) mail player. Its strong client base benefits
from Kobalt's buying power, operational excellence and know-how of the Dutch advertising market.

The current shareholders with the exception of Maxeda, which are also the company's main clients, have committed themselves to continue to make use of Kobalt's services for a minimum of two years after the closing of a possible transaction. Kobalt is pleased to
announce this step since it provides a clear direction for the future whilst securing the stability and continuity of the company.

Management and the shareholders will conduct a diligent and proper process to find a partner that of-fers the best conditions for continuity and is able to assume responsibility for the associates and assets of Kobalt. Kobalt has engaged ABN AMRO Corporate Finance as its financial adviser.

About Kobalt
Kobalt was established in 1991. In 2006, Kobalt realized a media turnover of ? 531 million
and it employs 225 people. Kobalt is a media agency engaged in media consultancy, -buying
and -clearing as well as print management and direct (non) mail. Its only office is in Amstelveen.



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