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Nederland met 32 nominaties kansrijk bij Webby Awards

Mediamonks is acht keer genomineerd, Tribal DDB vijf keer.

Gisteravond maakte de Webby organisatie de nominaties bekend en ook dit jaar staat Nederland er ook dit jaar goed voor, met een sterke stijging van het aantal nominaties (60%, van 20 naar 32) en een iets lichtere stijging van het aantal 'honorees' (27%, van 22 naar 28). (Zie hier voor toelichting op het verschil tussen nominaties en honorees).

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Grootste kanshebber is wederom Mediamonks dat acht keer is genomineerd, met digitaal werk voor klanten als Audi (VR Sandbox), Red Bull (Air Race Live VR) en Rijksmuseum (Snapguide). Tribal DDB komt eveneens goed voor de dag, met vijf nominaties voor klanten Heineken, KLM (2x) en Vodafonn (2x).

Mobgen en N=5 komen twee maal voor op de lijs genomineerden, terwijl Dept drie nominaties op zak heeft (twee voor TamTam en één voor 'a friend of mine'). De winnaars van de Webby Awards worden op 24 april bekend gemaakt.


100 years of Mondrian - a friend of mine  (Websites General, Art)

Agent 327: Operation Barbershop - Blender (Animation Studio Film & Video General Animation)

iFly KLM Selections - Born05 (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Best Branded Editorial Experience)

Mendo - Build in Amsterdam (Websites General, Shopping)

In-Traffic Reply - Samsung Benelux - Cheil Benelux (Mobile Sites & Apps General Public Service & Activism)

Snapticket Code d'Azur (Social Features Promotions & Contests)

Investing for people - Dawn Amsterdam (Websites General, Financial Services/Banking)

A 'Dam Fresh Heineken-  DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam (Advertising, Media, & PR Media Best Use of Data Driven Media)

Vodafone Get the Flow - DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam (Advertising, Media, & PR Media Best Use of Mobile Media)

KLM Connecting Seats - DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam (Advertising, Media, & PR PR Best Event Activation)

KLM Bonding Buffet - DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam (Film & Video Branded Entertainment Live Experiences)

Vodafone Get the Flow - DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam (Mobile Sites & Apps General Public Service & Activism)

The Netherlands welcomes Trump in his own words - Human Factor (Film & Video General Viral)

Extrapolate - Johan Rijpma (Film & Video General Animation)

Real Estate - Stained Glass - MediaMonks (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Best User Experience)

Audi: VR Sandbox - MediaMonks (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Technical Achievement)

ArtScienceMuseum: Into the Wild - MediaMonks (Advertising, Media, & PR Individual Augmented Reality)

Audi: VR Sandbox - MediaMonks (Film & Video Virtual Reality & 360 Video VR: Branded Interactive, Game or Real-Time)

Red Bull Air Race Live VR - MediaMonks (Mobile Sites & Apps Features Technical Achievement)

ArtScienceMuseum: Into the Wild - MediaMonks (Mobile Sites & Apps General Cultural Institutions)

Rijksmuseum SnapGuide - MediaMonks (Mobile Sites & Apps General Cultural Institutions)

Real Estate - Stained Glass - MediaMonks (Websites Features & Design Best Use of Animation or Motion Graphics)

Smartify - Mobgen (Mobile Sites & Apps Features Best Use of Mobile Camera)

Smartify - Mobgen (Mobile Sites & Apps General Art & Experimental)

Evert_45 - N=5 (Advertising, Media, & PR Advertising Campaigns Brand Strategy)

KPN Safe Lock - N=5 (Mobile Sites & Apps Features Connected Products & Wearables)

Better me, Better World - Philips (Websites General Corporate Social Responsibility)

Oxxio app - TamTam (Mobile Sites & Apps General Messaging / Bots)

Oxxio app - TamTam (Mobile Sites & Apps General Services & Utilities)

A Message From Earth - WeTransfer (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Best Branded Editorial Experience)

WeTransfer Presents: The Bunt Machine by Mac Premo - WeTransfer (Film & Video Branded Entertainment Short Form)

Vil Du?! - YipYip (Games General Social Impact)



100 years of Mondrian - a friend of mine (Websites General Cultural Institutions)

Adobe Hovering Art Director - ACHTUNG! mcgarrybowen (Advertising, Media, & PR Branded Content Products & Services)

Samsung: It's A Match - Boomerang (Advertising, Media, & PR PR Best Viral PR Campaign)

iFly KLM Selections - Born05 (Websites Features & Design Best Use of Photography)

Kaan's Stream Store - Buutvrij for life (Film & Video Branded Entertainment Live Experiences)

KLM Pack Assistant - Code d'Azur (Mobile Sites & Apps Features Connected Products & Wearables)

Your Neighbourhood Story - Code d'Azur (Websites Features & Design Best Data Visualization)

Fight Loneliness word by word - Code d'Azur (Websites Features & Design Best Visual Design - Aesthetic)

Floating Passengers - DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam (Film & Video Branded Entertainment Live Experiences)

KLM Care Tag - DDB & Tribal Worldwide, Amsterdam (Mobile Sites & Apps Features Best Use of GPS or Location Technology)

Bottle Cap Report - Stop Motion - Feller Media (Social Video Public Service & Activism)

International Film Festival Rotterdam - IN10 (Websites General Events)

Rotterdam 2037 - IN10 (Websites General Government & Civil Innovation)

Chipotle - Savor.wavs - MediaMonks (Advertising, Media, & PR Branded Content Food & Beverage)

Red Bull Air Race Live VR - MediaMonks (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Technical Achievement)

Rijksmuseum SnapGuide - MediaMonks (Advertising, Media, & PR PR Best Influencer Endorsements)

Evert_45 - N=5 (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Best User Experience)

Evert_45 - N=5 (Advertising, Media, & PR Media Best Media Strategy)

Spark of Light Pillow's - Willow VR Studios (Games Features Technical Achievement)

Sad Animal Facts - Sad Animal Facts (Social Content & Marketing Animals)

a.s.r. - New conversational platform with chat UI - Studio Dumbar (Websites Features & Design Best Home/Welcome Page)

Kempen - TamTam (Websites Features & Design Best Visual Design - Aesthetic)

#tagged -  VERTOV (Film & Video General Art & Experimental)

WeTransfer Studios and Kamasi Washington: Harmony of Difference - WeTransfer (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Best Branded Editorial Experience)

WeTransfer Studios x Ryan McGinley - WeTransfer (Advertising, Media, & PR Craft Best Use of Photography)

The Lioness Crest - Wieden+Kennedy (Advertising, Media, & PR PR Best Launch)

Paraiso Secreto - Wieden+Kennedy (Film & Video Virtual Reality & 360 Video VR: Branded Interactive, Game or Real-Time)

Samsung SmartThings - Your Majesty Co. (Websites General Corporate Communications)





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