Philips heeft vandaag op het Simplicity Event in Parijs (in vier dagen laat Philips daar aan iedereen zien welke kant het opgaat) gezegd dat er inmiddels 10 miljoen Senseo's verkocht zijn.
CMO Andrea Ragnetti (op de foto rechts, naast Gerard Kleisterlee) meldde: 'Reaching ten million in sales just four years after the launch is great news and is proof that products that have been created in line with our brand positioning of 'sense and simplicity' - easy to experience, designed around the user and advanced - are what consumers want.
The launch of the Senseo was a response to the changing lives of our customers, who are finding their lives busier than ever. With the Senseo they are guaranteed a perfect freshly brewed cup of coffee at the touch of a button with greater ease and convenience than more traditional methods, produced by a machine that looks sleek and modern.'
De Senseo is inmiddels in 9 landen op de markt: Oostenrijk, Australië, België, Denemarken, Frankrijk, Zwitserland, Nederland, Engeland en de VS.
Ragnetti liet in Parijs ook het een en ander zien van de laatste golf in de nieuwe merkcampagne. Hij toonde zich tevreden over de effecten: 'More than just successfully altering perceptions, Philips has jumped 12 places
in the latest (2005) Interbrand/BusinessWeek ranking.'
De campagne focust zich wederom op de core doelgroep, die bestaat uit 20 procent van de consumenten die 80 procent van de omzet van Philips uitmaakt.
Ragnetti: 'The typically affluent decision-makers in the 35-55 age range and A/B+ category. We have always said that the reason these people are interesting to Philips is because they make buying decisions in both their personal and professional lives.'
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