Sinds Sylvana Simons zich verbonden heeft aan de politieke stroming van DENK is de wereld weer even te klein. Nederland lijkt steeds sterker verdeeld en de racismekaart wordt vaker getrokken dan ooit. Tot ergenis van velen. Dat dit ook invloed heeft op merken is al langer duidelijk. Hema zou het Paasfeest verloochenen, de Bijenkorf is extra voorzichtig met de December-decoratie en Albert Heijn moest geboycot worden vanwege haar keuzes rondom Zwarte Piet. Maar nog ver voordat Zwarte Piet een issue was, viel Nederland al in twee kampen uiteen. Een foutieve inschatting van een banketbakkersmarketeer was hiervoor verantwoordelijk. Het Verdwenen Merk van deze week brengt ons zoete lekkernijen, ongewenste betutteling en internationale taalcritici.
Landelijk nieuws
De Negerzoen werd in 1920 in ons land geïntroduceerd en ze werden toentertijd nog met de hand gemaakt en gevuld. Het merk was een hit, maar raakte langzamerhand in de vergetelheid door de opkomst van nieuwe koekjes en lekkernijen. In 2006 was de Negerzoen plotsklaps landelijk nieuws nadat producent Buys bekendmaakte dat de naam werd veranderd in Zoenen. Veel consumenten zagen het schrappen van de naam Negerzoen als ongewenste betutteling en riepen dat ons land was doorgeslagen in politieke correctheid. Het legde het merk dan ook bepaald geen windeieren.
Medewerker communicatie
ZMGroepProject Communication Advisor
AMS InstituteClustercoördinator Energiezuinig Wonen
Milieu Centraal
De discussie beperkte zich overigens niet tot ons eigen land. In het buitenland was de Negerzoen al veel eerder uit de schappen gehaald. Zo werd de Duitse ‘Negerküsse’ een ‘Schokoküsse’, Franse ‘Têtes de Nègre’ werden ‘Bisous de Mousse’ en Engelse ‘Negro Kisses’ werden ‘Angel Kisses’. Taalcritici stelden echter dat het Nederlandse woord ‘neger’ minder negatief geladen zou zijn dan in het buitenland. Daarnaast zouden de lekkere Negerzoenen juist voor een positieve associatie met het woord 'neger' zorgen.
Stunt van marketingafdeling
Later werd bekend dat de Nederlandse naamsverandering en de daaropvolgende rel een stunt was van de marketingafdeling van de fabrikant. Als er veel over het product gesproken zou gaan worden, zou het ook meer moeten gaan verkopen. Het tegenovergestelde bleek waar. Veel Nederlanders lieten het product als protest en uit onvrede links liggen. De oorsprong van de naam is overigens onduidelijk, maar volgens veel bronnen heet de Negerzoen zo omdat iemand die een Negerzoen eet bruine lippen krijgt. Als je dan vervolgens iemand een kus geeft, is dat een kus van een neger. Journaal-presentrice Aldith Hunkar maakte, zoals te zien in het fragment hieronder, de merknaam op geheel eigen wijze inzichtelijk.
Negerzoen van Aldith Hunkar in NOS Journaal
Op #ThrowbackThursday blikken Robbert van Loon (l) en Richard Otto, auteurs van het boek ‘Verdwenen Merken’, terug op de mooiste merkverhalen. In het boek staan nog ruim 325 andere merkverhalen over Nederlandse merken die tussen 1970 en 2015 uit ons straatbeeld en van onze boodschappenlijstjes zijn verdwenen.
Om een reactie achter te laten is een account vereist.
Inloggen Word lidDo you know that you can hack any ATM machine !!!
We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack any ATM machine, this ATM cards can be used to withdraw cash at the ATM or swipe, stores and outlets. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 in ATM and up to $100,000 spending limit in it stores. We also have credit cards for online shopping, we give the credit cards details to our interested clients worldwide including the credit card cvv.if you are in need of any other cyber hacking services, we are here for you at any time any day.
$12,000 ------------- $2100
$20,000 ------------- $3150
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The price include shipping fees,order now: via email... unitymorrisatmhackers1@gmail.com
On the course of rendering this services, we have come across so many clients with different questions so this is aimed at answering few questions you might have:
1: Are you selling money?
No, we are not selling money. If you read our post correctly you will understand how this whole thing works.
2: Is this service available for my country?
Yes, our services are available worldwide
3: How do i get my card after payments?
We ship via DHL Or FED-EX, standard shipping usually takes 7 days. All we need is your full name and address
I've been scammed over $10,000 by wuhack247.club and two others and I said to myself, I will never used such service again, but after i bumped into this page and saw the recommendation by the Admin and also some people also testifying they are legit, I had to give them a trial on blind fate hoping whatever came out of this i'll just accept it. But to my greatest surprise, I ordered for $60,000 ATM, after my payment is confirmed I got my ATM, I was so happy that i finally got the legit ATM vendors, Ever since then they blessed me with this card I am now one of their VIP customers. so happy by the help of atm.h@hackermail.com or atmhacking01@gmail.com
I want to share my testimony on how i got the blank ATM card. I was so wrecked that my company fired me simply because i did not obliged to their terms, so they hacked into my system and phone and makes it so difficult to get any other job, i did all i could but things kept getting worse by the day that i couldn’t afford my 3 kids fees and pay my bills. I owe so many people trying to borrow money to survive because my old company couldn’t allow me get another job and they did all they could to destroy my life just for declining to be among their evil deeds. haven’t given up i kept searching for job online when i came across the testimony of a lady called Judith regarding how she got the blank ATM card. Due to my present state, i had to get in touch with Hacker called OSCAR WHITE of oscarwhitehackersworld@gmail.com and he told me the procedures and along with the terms which i agreed to abide and i was told that the Blank card will be deliver to me without any further delay and i hold on to his words and to my greatest surprise, i received an ATM card worth $4.5 million USD , All Thanks to OSCAR WHITE , if you are facing any financial problem contact him asap email address is oscarwhitehackersworld@gmail.com or Whats-app him +1(631)992-9129
Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked ATM card??
Make up you mind before applying, straight deal...
Order for a blank ATM card now and get millions within a week!: contact us
via email address:: willamsthomascard@gmail.com
They have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM
machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at
stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested
buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdr $awal limit of $5,500 on ATM
and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card
you order for:: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack
services, they are here for you anytime any day
PLEASE READ!!!! Hello Guys,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from international hacking company. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Him last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met international hacking comany because i met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. international hacking company sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. I’m grateful to international hacking company because he changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Czech Republic and Slovenia,USA,UK,Canada’s you can email him at E-mail: internationalhackingcompany@gmail.com
The issue of SCAM is rampant today in the internet. People no longer trust adverts they see in sites especially in comments.
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Our Hacks are Suberb and always ready to hack for you, any day, anytime.
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Haven't you heard about cyber hacking company blank ATM card and how other people had benefited from it? I am Williams vivian by name, i want to share a blog and forums on how to get real blank ATM card,thank to cyber hacking company who helped me with an already hacked ATM CARD and i was so poor without funds that i got frustrated. One morning as i was browsing on the internet, i saw different comments of people testifying of how cyber hacking company helped him from being poor to a rich man through this already hacked ATM CARD. I was skeptical if this was true, i decided to contact him to know if he is real he proved to me beyond all doubts that its was really for real so i urgently receive my blank ATM card. Contact his email cyberhackingcompany@gmail.com and today am also testifying on how cyber hacking company helped me. I never believed in it until the card was sent to me, which am using today Contact the company now and become rich. Email: cyberhackingcompany@gmail.com ....