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Heineken start sponsoring Champions Leage met interactief platform

Heineken heeft deze week zijn global marketing campagne aangekondigd voor de sponsoring van de Champions Leage.
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heeft deze week zijn global marketing campagne aangekondigd voor de sponsoring van de Champions Leage.

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Het draait allemaal om .

Het interactieve platform ondersteunt de global campagne Welcome to Champions Planet 'which invites fans to proactively take part in the spirit of the UEFA Champions League by bringing them fresh, unexpected experiences and entertainment', meldt de brouwer.

De campagne loopt in 120 landen gedurende het seizoen 2005/06.

Heineken zegt zelf:

'The interactive channel will be derived from content originating from an audience of UEFA Champions League fans from around the world. Fans will be invited to share their passion for the game and give their unique view on the UEFA Champions League experience through movies and photography. It will have the look and feel of a TV station and feature several streaming channels as well as a photo gallery.'

'At the core of Championsplanet.com will be the opportunity for fans from across the world to win the unique chance of becoming one of 12 Champions Planet reporters. Their role will be to co-host the content and be involved in the co-creation of numerous web-log photo and video items that will be shot during the knock-out phase of the UEFA Champions League season.
The selection process for the 12 reporters will be through a combination of media promotions and a competition mechanic on Championsplanet.com.'

Daarnaast worden ook tv en printadvertising ingezet, alsmede trade promotions, actieverpakkingen en PR.

'The TV ads include a thematic advert titled 'Square' and a number of sequential break bumpers entitled 'One Big Game' which will bring to life the 'Welcome to Champions Planet' concept.

'Square', directed by the UK director Ron Scalpello, brings together football stars Gianfranco Zola (Italy) and Romário de Souza Faria (Brazil).

Set in a typical European city square, the storyline brings the emotion of the UEFA Champions League into everyday life, when four average Champions League fans end up in an amazing kick about with the football legends.'

De 'One Big Game' break bumper ads, komen van de hand van de Nederlandse regisseur Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.

Heineken nam dit jaar de sponsorrol , dat er vanaf het begin bij was geweest.



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