PR / 19 APRIL 2010, 07:20:00 Difficult clients - Is it them or is it me? As a graduate from the PR School of Straight Talking, I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I didn’t attend the seminar on Spreading…
Purpose Marketing / 19 APRIL 2010, 07:20:00 Difficult clients - Is it them or is it me? As a graduate from the PR School of Straight Talking, I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I didn’t attend the seminar on Spreading…
Contentmarketing / 15 MAART 2010, 09:00:00 People’s business If a prospective client asked you, right now, to put five random members of staff in a room to represent your company, how would you feel?
Gedragsverandering / 15 MAART 2010, 09:00:00 People’s business If a prospective client asked you, right now, to put five random members of staff in a room to represent your company, how would you feel?